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I am currently a senior at a CSU, working on my Undergraduate Criminal Justice Degree. The purpose of this blog is to educate and inform anyone about gangs. I will be focusing on everything that has to do with gangs. The reason that I choose to make my blog about gangs is because after i graduate I want to focus in working with gangs. While doing research about my topic I will be expanding my own knowledge about gangs. I find the "Gang World" to be very intriguing, therefore it should be a very exciting journey for and hopefully for my readers as well. Let the learning begin. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Statistics, Statistics, Statistics

  • Larger cities (those with a population greater than 50,000) Suburban counties Smaller cities (those with a population of between 2,500 people and 49,999 people).
  • Gang problems were experienced more in areas that were bigger than smaller areas. Rural counties having less than half the reports of gang problems as experienced in suburban counties, and a bit more than a third of the gang problems reported in Larger cities.
  • By 2002, teen gang problems were back on the rise, particularly in the larger areas, and the most recent figures, from 2006.
  • 1999-2001 to 2006, Rural counties saw an increase of 1.5% to 14.9%. Smaller cities reported an increase of 6.7% to 32.6%. Suburban counties, though, had an increase of 10.2% for a total of 51%. And Larger cities rose 8.8% to 86.4%.
  • Cities having populations of over 100,000 people, by contrast, tended to have at least one gang-related homicide.
  • In 2006, areas that reported an increase of gang-related crime found that it occurred in these areas, and in this order of frequency:
  • aggravated assault
    1. -drug sales -robbery -larceny/theft -burglary -auto theft
  •  The factors that were indicated as most important in increasing the level of gang-related violence were, in order of reporting:

-conflicts between gangs
-factors related to drugs
-migration of gang members within the United States rise of newly formed gangs.
-the return to the area of gang members who had been incarcerated
-conflicts within gangs
-migration of gang members from outside of the United States

Likely Signs of Teen Gang Involvement
The following are some of the many signs that might show that a teen is involved in a gang.

    -knowingly associates with gang members -uses secret codes or signals to communicate with associates -fixates on particular colors of clothing or a particular logo used on clothing and to -decorate other items: this may include posters, tattoos, jewelry, etc. -has unexplained physical injuries that seem related to fighting -has more cash or more valuable possessions than one might reasonably expect -shows particular interest in gang activities, gang-related media and entertainment, etc. -raises police interest -withdraws from family, school, and community activities -breaks his/her curfew and other rules -is determinedly secretive -exhibits declines in school performance

I hope that everyone enjoyed my blog about Gangs, and I hope that you learned a thing or two. Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Throughout my entire criminal justice education gangs have always interested me. The popularity of a “thug lifestyle” amongst today’s youth is constantly on the rise. I truly believe that the media has a big role in this rise. Celebrities on TV and in music videos are show “living” the ideal thug life. Most are shown with lots of beautiful women, friends, money, mansion, jewelry, expensive clothes, and cars. The lyrics are often ignorant and preach violence and sexism. Sadly I think that gangs have developed to the point where there is no getting rid of them no matter what we do. I think the only thing we can do is try to lower the overall amount of members by trying to prevent youth from taking up that lifestyle.
