Definition of a Gang:
There are many ways to define the meaning of a Gang. One common definition of a gang is a group of three or more individuals who engage in criminal activity and identify themselves with a common name or sign.
How Gangs Originated?
There are many reasons why people group up and make a gang. Gangs see that violence gets them what they want faster than most other methods. They turn to violence for fun, profit and most of all control. Most of these people that formed the gangs were minorities who were being oppressed or bullied because of their race. The Irish, Jewish, and Italian gangs all came around the mid 1800’s, Black and Mexican gangs started in the US in the 1940’s with the great migration from rural life to urban and from Mexico to the “Barrios” or Los Angeles.
Although many gangs are formed to protect themselves from others there are those like the KKK which formed to protect themselves from reconstruction of government and to “save” their anglo saxon ethnicity. Due to the power of some gangs like all power tends to corrupt.
The 10 Most Dangerous Gangs In the World
This Video is a very good example of some of the most dangerous gangs in the world. Yes you heard correct WORLD. I will be discussing some of these gangs in future blogs. Stay Tune.
I do agree with your post that many gangs were formed for protective reasons. But do you feel as though the original reasons for joining a gang has been messed up?
ReplyDeleteI do feel that the original reason that people formed or joined a gang has changed. From what I have seen, many young kids join gangs to be "cool" or to "fit in." I am curious to what you have to say. =)
ReplyDeleteYou have a good point it's not about safety at all anymore which is sad because most people have no choice to join its the only thing they know but kids now adays wants a life like GTA
DeleteSometimes they need protection from someone in their home as well, so they will run to the gangs for that protection.
DeleteYes I totally agree with your hypothesis. Many younger adolescence are joining gangs just to look cool. I have also noticed that they age in which kids are joining gangs are getting younger and younger. This is definitely a tragedy because this shows us what current society we live in. The innocense of our children are slowly being deminished.
ReplyDeleteBoth great points kids now adays wants a life like GTA I was offered myself to join a gang but I don't take orders so great always seen myself a leader instead someone's bitch I'm nothing to be feared for I'm nothing big but I have heart I'm too happy knowing I protect people instead of terrorizing them
ReplyDeleteGangs are really bad nkw days I agree