The pressure of everyday daily life that young kids have to deal with now a days is very stressful. Some stressors can go from trying to fit in to trying to figure out who they are, and may cause young kids to do things like join a gang in order to make their lives easier and to have guidance. Children may be living in fear on a daily basis and joining a gang becomes a solution to the problem. Gang recruiters are very aware that young kids are dealing with issues of growing up and finding themselves and therefore, gang members use the kids low self esteem and other issues this technique to their advantage.
The pressure to join a gang may be very strong. They may view their neighborhood gang as a solution to the torment and threats from other gangs. Having a sense of protection is important to many kids. Having security and knowing that there is someone that will have their backs is an important feeling for young people to have.
The appeal of obtaining money fast can be overwhelming for kids, Gangs are involved in drugs and other Criminal activities that give young kids opportunities to get money quickly. Some kids might be offered more money for delivering a package or being a lookout than their parents can earn in a week. Many of these kids do not understand the risk and consequences that will be enforced if they are caught. They also don’t realize that they are being used by older Gang members who do not want to get caught.
Reasons for Gang Membership
The primary age group of gang members ranges generally from 13 to 21 years.
1. Identity
Gang members cannot achieve an identity in their environment, so they gain it in the gang culture. They often visualize themselves as warriors against the outside world, protecting their neighborhood.
2. Protection
Joining a gang in a community with several gangs offers considerable protection from violence and attack from rival gangs.
3. Fellowship
Gang activity offers closeness, a sense of family that is often lacking at home.
New members are forced to join by threats, violent beatings, and initiations in order for membership.
Unlike gangs in the past, we are seeing mixed ethnic and socio-economic groups making up gangs. There is an on-going struggle for territory control and drug market control.
How Gangs Recruit
- Threaten safety of friends or family members.
- Offer money for what appears to be simple activities.
- Challenge kids to take risk.
- Attend parties when gang related activities are occurring.
- Family members already belong to a gang.
Consequences of Being in a Gang
- In trouble with the law.
- Drop out of school.
- Withdrawal from family.
- Risk of injury in a “jump-in” by your own gang.
- Drug trafficking/weapons.
Long Term:
- Lose opportunity for education and employment.
- Spend time in jail or prison.
- Possibility of losing family and friends.
- Risk of personal injury.
- Risk your own family’s life.
- Endless amounts of threats, and assaults and drive by shooting.